Enum member isContainerAdder

Check if T implements ContainerAdder interface.

enum isContainerAdder(T, alias X) = is(T == struct) && is(typeof(&T.scan!X) : V function(X, Y), X : Locator!(), Y : Storage!(Factory!Object, string), V);

A ContainerAdder is component that is responsible to scan a symbol for it's members, transform them using passed Transformers, and add them to storage.


T component that is tested for ContainerAdder interface.
X a dummy symbol used to test templated methods of component


Due to possibility to store any kind of symbol in X (not only types), the use of this checker is limited in use for generic testing. Ex. ContainerAdder for modules and types are technically different interfaces and will fail the checker when are tested both with same X argument (module is not a type), though they are conceptually the same.


true if it implements ContainerAdder interface, false otherwise