Function defferredConstruction

Configure factory to defer construction for later time using deffered executioner stored in locator by defferedExecutionerIdentity or by DefferedExecutioner interface.

auto auto defferredConstruction(Z, T) (
  Z factory,
  string defferedExecutionerIdentity

auto auto defferredConstruction(Z, T) (
  Z factory

auto auto defferredConstruction(Z, T) (
  Z factory,
  string defferedExecutionerIdentity

Configure factory to defer construction for later time using deffered executioner stored in locator by defferedExecutionerIdentity or by DefferedExecutioner interface. Any factory will be wrapped in DefferedProxyWrapper factory that will supply proxy component instead of original and defer construction of component, in case when component is possible to construct.


factory factory that will defer construction.
defferedExecutionerIdentity identity of executioner that will execute deffered actions.

