Class ApplicationContainer

Application container

class ApplicationContainer
  : AggregateContainer ;

A default container that provides singleton, and prototype containers as well as a storage for already instantiated component. It should be sufficient for usages, when no specific hierarchy of storages is required.


this Default constructor for ApplicationContainer


containers ObjectStorage!(aermicioi.aedi.container.container.Container,string)


get Get a container, or an object that is contained by managed containers.
get Get a Type that is associated with key.
getLocator Get a specific container.
getLocator Get a specific locator.
getLocators Get all containers in aggregate container
getLocators Get all locators in aggregate locator
has Check if an object is present in one of containers, or it is a container itself.
has Check if an element is present in Locator by key id.
hasLocator Check if aggregate container contains a specific container.
hasLocator Check if aggregate locator contains a specific locator.
instantiate Finalize all unfinished initialization work in containers.
instantiate Sets up the internal state of container.
remove Remove a container from aggregate container.
remove Remove an element from Storage with identity.
set Set a container into aggregate container
set Save an element in Storage by key identity.
terminate Destruct all managed components.
terminate Destruct all managed components.