register - multiple declarations

Function register

Register a new factory for type T object into storage/DI container by id.

auto deprecated auto register(Type) (
  Storage!(ObjectFactory,string) storage,
  Locator!(Object,string) locator,
  string id

auto deprecated auto register(Type) (
  ConfigurableContainer storage,
  string id


Type the type of object registered in storage
storage the storage where factory will be stored.
locator the locator that will be used by GenericFactory implementation to fetch required objects.
id the identity by which to register the factory in storage.


GenericFactory implementation for further configuration.

Function register

Register a new factory for type Type object into storage/DI container by it's fully qualified name.

auto deprecated auto register(Type) (
  Storage!(ObjectFactory,string) storage,
  Locator!(Object,string) locator

auto deprecated auto register(Type) (
  ConfigurableContainer storage


Type the type of object registered in storage
storage the storage where factory will be stored.
locator the locator that will be used by GenericFactory implementation to fetch required objects.


GenericFactory implementation for further configuration.

Function register

Register a new factory for type T object into storage/DI container by Interface fully qualified name.

auto deprecated auto register(Interface, Type) (
  Storage!(ObjectFactory,string) storage,
  Locator!(Object,string) locator
if (is(Type : Interface) && isReferenceType!Type);

auto deprecated auto register(Interface, Type) (
  ConfigurableContainer storage


Type the type of object registered in storage
Interface interface implemented by object registered in storage
storage the storage where factory will be stored.
locator the locator that will be used by GenericFactory implementation to fetch required objects.


GenericFactory implementation for further configuration.

Function register

Register an object into a storage by storageId located in storageLocator.

auto deprecated auto register(Type, R) (
  R storageLocator,
  Locator!() locator,
  string id,
  string storageId = "singleton"
if (!is(R : Storage!(ObjectFactory, string)));

auto deprecated auto register(Type, R) (
  R locator,
  string id,
  string storageId = "singleton"
if (!is(R : Storage!(ObjectFactory, string)));


Type the type of object registered in storage
storageLocator locator containing the storage where to store object.
locator locator used to fetch dependencies for registered object
id the id of object registered in storage
storageId the id of storage where object is stored.


NotFoundException when storage with storageId is not found.


storageLocator for further configuration

Function register

Register an object into a storage by storageId located in storageLocator with id being FQN of an Interface that object implements.

auto deprecated auto register(Interface, Type, R) (
  R storageLocator,
  Locator!() locator,
  string storageId = "singleton"
if (!is(R : Storage!(ObjectFactory, string)));

auto deprecated auto register(Interface, Type, R) (
  R locator,
  string storageId = "singleton"
if (!is(R : Storage!(ObjectFactory, string)));


Interface interface that object implements
Type the type of object registered in storage
storageLocator locator containing the storage where to store object.
locator locator used to fetch dependencies for registered object
storageId the id of storage where object is stored.


NotFoundException when storage with storageId is not found.


storageLocator for further configuration

Function register

Register component into an object storage.

auto deprecated auto register(Type) (
  Storage!(Object,string) storage,
  Type data,
  string id

Wraps up any already instantiated component that is not reference type into an object, and saves it into storage. Any component that is of reference type is just saved in storage


Type the type of object registered in storage
storage the storage were component is saved
data actual component to be saved
id the identity of data that is to be saved.


the storage were component was saved.

Function register

Register data inta a object storage identified by it's type.

auto deprecated auto register(Type) (
  Storage!(Object,string) storage,
  Type data

Wraps up any copy-by-value component into an object, and saves it into storage by it's type.


Type the type of object registered in storage
storage the storage were component is saved
data actual component to be saved


the storage were component was saved.

Function register

Register component into an object storage identified by implemented interface.

auto deprecated auto register(Interface, Type) (
  Storage!(Object,string) storage,
  Type data
if (is(Type : Interface) && !is(Type == Interface));

Wraps up any copy-by-value component into an object, and saves it into storage by it's type.


Interface interface that object implements
Type the type of object registered in storage
storage the storage were component is saved
data actual component to be saved


the storage were component was saved.

Function register

Register component into an object storage located in locator by storageId.

auto deprecated auto register(Type, R) (
  R locator,
  Type data,
  string id,
  string storageId = "parameters"
if (!is(R : Storage!(Object, string)));

auto deprecated auto register(Interface, Type, R) (
  R storage,
  Type object,
  string storageId = "parameters"
if (is(Type : Interface) && !is(R : Storage!(Object, string)) && !is(Type == Interface));


Type the type of object registered in storage
locator locator containing object storage were component is saved.
data the actual component saved in storage
id the id by which component will be identified
storageId identity of storage in locator