Module aermicioi.aedi.configurer.annotation.annotation

This module implements annotation based configuration of containers.


callback(dg, args)Annotation that specifies a delegate to be used to configure aggregate somehow.
constructor(args)Annotation used to mark a constructor to be used for aggregate instantiation.
contained(id)When objects are registered into an aggregate container, this annotation marks in which sub-container it is required to store.
fact(dg, args)Annotation that specifies a delegate to be used to instantiate aggregate.
qualifier(id)An annotation used to provide custom identity for an object in container.
qualifier()An annotation used to provide custom identity for an object in container by some interface.
setter(args)Annotation used to mark a member to be called or set (in case of fields), with args passed to setter.


AutowiredAnnotationAnnotation used to mark constructor or method for auto wiring.
CallbackConfigurerAnnotationAnnotation that specifies a delegate to be used to configure aggregate somehow.
CallbackFactoryAnnotationAnnotation that specifies a delegate to be used to instantiate aggregate.
ComponentAnnotationAnnotation used to denote an aggregate that should be stored into an container.
ConstructorAnnotationAnnotation used to mark a constructor to be used for aggregate instantiation.
ContainedAnnotationWhen objects are registered into an aggregate container, this annotation marks in which sub-container it is required to store.
QualifierAnnotationAn annotation used to provide custom identity for an object in container.
SetterAnnotationAnnotation used to mark a member to be called or set (in case of fields), with args passed to setter.


autowiredAutowiredAnnotationAnnotation used to mark constructor or method for auto wiring.
componentComponentAnnotationAnnotation used to denote an aggregate that should be stored into an container.