Module aermicioi.aedi.configurer.annotation.component_scan

Provides annotation based configuration and registration for components.


componentScan(storage, locator, id)Register an object into storage using annotations provided in it.
componentScan(storage, locator)Register an object into storage by it's type FQN using annotations provided in it.
componentScan(storage, locator)Register an object into storage by I's interface FQN that it implements using annotations provided in it.
componentScan(storage, locator)Register a set of objects by it's type, or implemented interface into a storage.
componentScan(storage, locator)Scan a module and register all public objects that are annotated with @component annotation.
componentScan(storage, locator)Scan a set of modules and register all public objects that are annotated with @component annotation.
componentScan(storageLocator, locator, id)Register an object into a storage contained in storageLocator and identified by @container annotation using annotations provided in it.
componentScan(storageLocator, locator)Register an object into a storage contained in storageLocator and identified by @container annotation using annotations provided in it.
componentScan(storageLocator, locator)Register module's objects into a storage contained in storageLocator and identified by @container annotation using annotations provided in it.


canFactoryGenericFactoryChecks if a structure has factory method for GenericFactory.
canFactoryInstanceFactoryChecks if a structure has factoryContainer method for InstanceFactory.
canFactoryPropertyConfigurerChecks if a structure has factoryConfigurer method for PropertyConfigurer.
componentScanRegister an object into a storage contained in storageLocator and identified by @container annotation using annotations provided in it.
componentScanRegister an object into a storage contained in storageLocator and identified by @container annotation using annotations provided in it.
componentScanRegister module's objects into a storage contained in storageLocator and identified by @container annotation using annotations provided in it.


canFactoryGenericFactorycanFactoryGenericFactory!(typeof(T),Z)Checks if a structure has factory method for GenericFactory.
canFactoryInstanceFactorycanFactoryInstanceFactory!(typeof(T),Z,property)Checks if a structure has factoryContainer method for InstanceFactory.
canFactoryPropertyConfigurercanFactoryPropertyConfigurer!(typeof(T),Z,property)Checks if a structure has factoryConfigurer method for PropertyConfigurer.