Module aermicioi.aedi.factory.generic_factory


callbackConfigurer(locator, dg, args)Configures/modifies data of type T with help of a delegate or function.
callbackFactory(locator, dg, args)Instantiates data of type T using a delegate or function.
constructorBasedFactory(locator, args)Instantiates aggregate using it's constructor with args.
factoryMethodBasedFactory(locator, factoryMethod, args)Instantiates an aggregate using a method from other aggregate (factory method pattern).
fieldConfigurer(locator, arg)Sets aggregate's field to a value.
genericFactory(locator)A concrete implementation of GenericFactory interface.
isArgumentListCompatible()An check if the argument list passed to ConstructorBasedFactory or MethodConfigurer is compatible with signature of underlying method or constructor.
methodConfigurer(locator, args)Calls aggregate's method with a set of arguments.


GenericFactoryA generic factory, is a factory that instantiates data of type T using InstanceFactory and a list of PropertyConfigurers.
InstanceFactoryAn instance factory, instantiates data of type T.
InstanceFactoryAwareInterface for objects that are aware of an instance factory and can use it to instantiate a component.
PropertyConfigurerA property configurer, has the purpose to modify data of type T according to some logic encapsulated in it.
PropertyConfigurersAwareInterface for objects that are aware of a set of property configurers and can use them to configure some component.


CallbackConfigurerConfigures/modifies data of type T with help of a delegate or function.
CallbackFactoryInstantiates data of type T using a delegate or function.
ConstructorBasedFactoryInstantiates aggregate using it's constructor with args.
DefaultConstructorBasedFactoryInstantiates an aggregate using it's constructor with no arguments.
DelegatingInstanceFactoryInstanceFactory that delegates the task of instantiating a component to some third party factory.
FactoryMethodBasedFactoryInstantiates an aggregate using a method from other aggregate (factory method pattern).
FieldConfigurerSets aggregate's field to a value.
GenericFactoryImplA concrete implementation of GenericFactory interface.
MethodConfigurerCalls aggregate's method with a set of arguments.
ParameterHolderParameterHolder Stores a set of Args for futher usage in it's subclasses.
ValueInstanceFactoryInstantiates a component using a value as basis.