Function autowire

Autowire a constructor, field or a method.

auto auto autowire(Z, T) (
  Z factory
if (getMembersWithProtection!(T, "__ctor", "public").length > 0);

auto auto autowire(string member, Z, T) (
  Z factory
if (getMembersWithProtection!(T, member, "public").length > 0);

auto auto autowire(string member, Z, T) (
  Z factory
if (isField!(T, member));

Autowire a constructor, field or a method. A constructor is autowired only when no member is passed as argument. When a member is passed as argument, it will be called with a list of references (where args are identified by their type FQN) in case when member is a function, or it will set the member to the value that is located in container by it's type FQN.


In case of constructors as well as methods that are overloaded, the first constructor or method from overload set is selected to be autowired.


T the component type
member field or method of component T
factory ConfigurationContextFactory where to inject the constructor or method configurer
