Class SubscribableContainer

Decorating container that adds a set of events at different actions during lifetime of a container to which subscribers can subscribe to. This decorated will inherit following interfaces only and only if the T also implements them:

  1. Storage!(ObjectFactory, string)
  2. Container
  3. AliasAware!string
Decorated container must implement following interfaces:
  1. Container
  2. MutableDecorator!T
  3. Subscribable!ContainerInstantiationEventType
  4. Decorator!Container

class SubscribableContainer(T) ;


thisDefault constructor for SubscribableContainer


decoratedSet the decorated object for decorator.
decoratedGet the decorated object.
getGet object created by a factory identified by key
hasCheck if an object factory for it exists in container.
instantiateSets up the internal state of container.
subscribeSubscriber a delegate to a particular event emmited by object


T The decorated that switchable decorated will decorate.