Class ExceptionChainingObjectFactory

A decorating factory that catches any thrown exceptions by decorated factory, and rethrows them with additional information.

class ExceptionChainingObjectFactory
  : Factory!(object.Object)
  , Decorator!(aermicioi.aedi.factory.factory.Factory!(Object)) ;

A decorating factory that catches any thrown exceptions by decorated factory, and chains it in a new exception that adds additonal debugging information such as registered identity, and cause of exception. It is useful for chaining component instantiation pipeline and printing it for debugging purposes.


thisDefault constructor for ExceptionChainingObjectFactory
thisConstructor for ExceptionChainingObjectFactory


decorated[set]ExceptionChainingObjectFactorySet decorated
decorated[get]Factory!(Object)Get decorated
id[set]ExceptionChainingObjectFactorySet id
id[get]stringGet id
locator[set]ExceptionChainingObjectFactorySet locator
type[get]TypeInfoGet type of created object


factoryFactory an object, and catch any exception wrapping it in a library exception to be rethrown further.
decoratedGet the decorated object.
factoryInstantiates component of type T.
typeGet the type info of T that is created.